Price search results for Craig Rose Gloss Red Barn 750ml
A rich earthy red frequently seen on Shaker barns or grain stores. Wonderful for a dining room or reading room. Features: A high more
A rich earthy red frequently seen on Shaker barns or grain stores. Wonderful for a dining room or reading room. Features: A high Gloss finish for Doors and Trim and wooden furniture around the home. Apply over Craig & Rose All Purpose Undercoat to achieve the best finish. Can be used inside or outside Available in 110 colours Gloss Finish Hardwearing Water Based 10-12 sq M / L, (79 sq M / 750 ML) Drying times: Surface: 1-2 Hours; Hard: 8-12 hours; Overcoat: 12 hours. Allow 7-days for full hardness Apply by brush or roller (synthetic bristle brushes give good results). Previously painted or glossy surfaces should be abraded before painting to improve adhesion. A second coat should be applied for best results Specifications: Dimensions: H:11.8 x W:10.0 x D:10.0 cm Colour: Red Material: Paint Model Number: FG10101855