Price search results for 1920s Vintage Port 1920s Decanted Selection 20cls 

1920's Vintage Port 1920's (Decanted Selection) 20cls

So that customers can appreciate very old vintage ports, vintagewinegifts have rebottled and recorked a small selection of more

So that customers can appreciate very old vintage ports, vintagewinegifts have rebottled and recorked a small selection of classic vintage ports for you to enjoy. This vintage port was decanted from a 1920's bottle of vintage port. Drink now - 2029. PLEASE NOTE THIS BOTTLE SIZE IS 20CLS OR 2/7 OF A NORMAL BOTTLE SIZE. This vintage port is shipped in a deluxe silk lined wooden presentation box with four wine accessories (corkscrew, wine pourer, drip stopper & wine thermometer) [worth £17.99] at no extra cost and now includes a free gift card with your personal message and tasting and storage notes.

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